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The Peace Table Storybook Bible
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Might From the Margins

Might From the Margins

  • Author:: Dennis R. Edwards
  • Publisher:: Herald Press
Product Code: 9781513806013
Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
The power of the gospel is often most visible among those who have been the least respected, including racial or ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, women, and people who have been displaced from their homeland. Yet in many faith communities, these are the same people whose leadership gifts are least likely to be recognized. But the power of the gospel comes from God, not from other humans. This book is a passionate affirmation of the power already present among marginalized Christians and a call to recognize and embrace this power for the sake of helping the church become more like Christ.
Marginalized Christians are already changing the face of the church. Will we embrace their power to change the church's heart?

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