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Dan West Peacemaker

Dan West Peacemaker

  • Edited by:: David Sollenberger
  • Publisher:: Brethren Press
Product Code: WESTDVD1070
Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Dan West's visions are still not only alive, but thriving, through the highly successful development work of Heifer International in more than 100 countries across the globe, and through people who are pursuing lives and careers in peacemaking and in volunteer service, living out their understanding of Christian discipleship, taking up the cause of the hungry and the poor. Dan challenged untold numbers of people, during a lifetime of church and camp work, with that vision, and many of them passed it on to their children. The simple idea of passing on the gift one to another reaches across the world, and it was modeled by Dan West, the visionary, the motivator, the peacemaker, who modeled a life of peace.


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