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A Guide for Biblical Studies Spring 2025: Costly Sacrifice

A Guide for Biblical Studies Spring 2025: Costly Sacrifice

  • Author:: Herb Smith
  • Publisher:: Brethren Press
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Explore the fullness of faith as a response to God's desire to be in a relationship with us. To be faith-less is to turn away from God -- to put trust in something, or someone other than God. The lessons of this quarter ask: Is your faith steadfast? Are you contending for the faith? What can today's Christians draw from the ancient accounts that will help us grow more deeply in faith?

Written from a Church of the Brethrenperspective, A Guide for Biblical Studies is issued quarterly and containsdaily NRSV scriptures, lessons, and questions for both individual preparationand small group use. Follows the International Sunday School Lessons/UniformSeries. Adult level. Purchase one copy per student, per quarter.


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