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A Guide for Biblical Studies Spring 2025: Costly Sacrifice

A Guide for Biblical Studies Spring 2025: Costly Sacrifice

  • Author:: Herb Smith
  • Publisher:: Brethren Press
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Unit I, Tabernacle, Sacrifices, and Atonement, explores texts from Exodus and Leviticus that describe the system of sacrifices and offerings that created a holy people and place for the presence of the Lord. Unit II, Christ’s All-Sufficient Sacrifice, turns to New Testament texts to explore the significance of Jesus’s perfect sacrifice. Unit III, Special Offerings and the Sanctuary, explores the unique relationship between the sanctuary and offerings or sacrifices.

Written from a Church of the Brethren perspective, A Guide for Biblical Studies is issued quarterly and contains daily NRSVue scriptures, lessons, and questions for both individual preparation and small group use. Follows the International Sunday School Lessons/Uniform Series. Adult level. Purchase one copy per student, per quarter.


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