Written by Chrissie Walls and Lori Steiner Jans, Wee Wonder introduces young children to God through action rhymes, Bible stories and responsive play. This age-appropriate curriculum has 12 modules and a total of 52 sessions such as We Come To Church, God Made The World, Jesus Is Born and God Is With Us.
“The Bible is an important book for twos! Because twos do not yet read, they have to experience the Bible stories with their senses. Touching a bit of wool, tasting bread, smelling fish—all these experiences help the Bible stories come to life. Twos also benefit from seeing and touching a Bible. It is not just an ordinary book. It has a special message, one that each child needs to hear—God loves me! Show care for the Bible—Open it carefully, look at the words, place it down gently. This is a model for how to use any book, but also how to treat a special book with special care.” —From Lesson 3: We Read The Bible